Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bestest vs. Worstest movies ever

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I was thinking the other day about opinions, and really why should my opinion matter when there are so many other opinions out there. I decided what is important about getting someones opinion is whether or not you agree with the statement. Theoretically, you want to get as many varieties of opinions as possible to make a decision but the truth is that most people just want to hear an opinion similar to their own, which is why I've decided to do a top and bottom five. This way everyone knows how I feel and can take my opinions as gospel...or not.


5. Star Wars: Phantom Menace
4. Gothika

3. Devil Wears Prada

2. Minority Report

1. The Descent and Hide and Seek

Bonus: Chuck and Buck - I love independents but there was no excuse for this film.

For various reasons I found these to be the worst movies ever (that I can think of at the moment).

I think no explanation is necessary for number five. Number four was everything that is predictable in the thriller genre. Number three for celebrating someone who decides being a career woman is a bad thing - not to mention writing the main characters friends as ridiculously unsupportive. Number two for being an okay movie with a rainbows and bunnies ending that was insulting. And my tied for number ones: The Descent turned an amazing book that would have made an amazing movie into crap, why mess with perfection for unnecessary plot and character changes? WHY? Finally to Hide and Seek for wasting De Niro and for wasting and hour on building a surprise ending that was no surprise after the first 20 minutes of the movie.

Now, don't get me wrong, I do know there are worse movies than what I listed here. Movies poorly made and imbecilic beyond belief - like these - but my worstest list is simply the most personally offensive, partly due to the commercial success.

The next installment will be the bestest movies ever!

Highlighted words are linked to more information.


That Girl said...

The Descent was a good book!